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Captain Britain

Captain Britain
First Appearance: Captain Britain #1 (October, 1976)
Base of Operations: Lighthouse, Earth Orbit; Starlight Citadel, Otherworld; formerly Braddock Manor; Braddock Lighthouse, England; New York City (during exchange trip, specifically Peter Parker's Manhattan apartment); flat near Thames University, London
Occupation: Adventurer, formerly King of Otherworld, scientist
Group Affiliation:: Braddock Academy, Captain Britain Corps, MI-13; formerly Excalibur, Hellfire Club (London Branch), Secret Avengers, Court of Otherworld, Knights of Pendragon's ally, Future Iron Man's Team

Personal Stats

Full Name: Brian Braddock
Alignment: good
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 6'6 ( 198 cm )
Weight: 257 lb ( 116 kg )

Hero Stats

Combat: 80
Durability: 60
Intelligence: 75
Power: 31
Speed: 50
Strength: 77

Comics List

Publisher: Marvel Comics

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