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Emma Frost

Emma Frost
First Appearance: UNCANNY X-MEN #132
Base of Operations: (current) Emma Frost operates from the Massachusetts Academy, Snow Valley, Massachusetts, (former) Hellfire Club mansion in New York City, a home in the Berkshire Mountains in Massachusetts (near the Massachusetts Academy), and places of residence in vari
Occupation: -
Group Affiliation:: Active member of the X-Men, Instructor for Generation X, The Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club

Personal Stats

Full Name: Emma Frost
Alignment: good
Gender: Female
Race: null
Height: 5'10' ( 178 cm )
Weight: 144 lb ( 65 kg )

Hero Stats

Combat: 42
Durability: 90
Intelligence: 75
Power: 100
Speed: 35
Strength: 63

Comics List

Publisher: Marvel Comics

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