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First Appearance: Fantastic Four #48 (March 1966)
Base of Operations: Worldship (aka Taa II); though he is generally mobile throughout the universe via his spherical starship in search of suitable planets to consume.
Occupation: Planet Devourer, Third Force of the Universe - balance between Eternity and Death, Nullifying Abraxas' Influence on the Multiverse, Third Face of the Living Tribunal - representing Equity
Group Affiliation:: Heralds of Galactus; formerly God Squad

Personal Stats

Full Name: Galan
Alignment: neutral
Gender: Male
Race: Cosmic Entity
Height: 28'9 ( 876 cm )
Weight: 36400 lb ( 16 tons )

Hero Stats

Combat: 50
Durability: 100
Intelligence: 100
Power: 100
Speed: 83
Strength: 100

Comics List

Publisher: Marvel Comics

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