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First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #50 (July, 1967)
Base of Operations: A penthouse in New York City; formerly Fisk Tower in New York City, a mansion in Westchester County, Las Vegas.
Occupation: Criminal organizer and mastermind, president and owner of legitimate businesses
Group Affiliation:: Leader of The Hand, leader of a coalition of East Coast non-Maggia criminal organizations; former director of Las Vegas HYDRA faction.

Personal Stats

Full Name: Wilson Grant Fisk
Alignment: bad
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 6'7 ( 201 cm )
Weight: 450 lb ( 203 kg )

Hero Stats

Combat: 70
Durability: 40
Intelligence: 75
Power: 13
Speed: 25
Strength: 18

Comics List

Publisher: Marvel Comics

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