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Data provided by Marvel. © 2024 Marvel


First Appearance: -
Base of Operations: -
Occupation: Outlaw adventurer, revolutionary; former professional super hero, fugitive, unnoficial S.H.I.E.L.D. operative, federal inmate, CTE security chief, ranch hand, archery tutor, carnival performer, roustabout, butcher shop worker
Group Affiliation:: Avengers; formerly founding member of Avengers West Coast and first chairman, Thunderbolts, S.H.I.E.L.D. (unofficial), Chain Gang 421-011, Shadows, Great Lakes Avengers, Cross Technological Enterprises, Defenders, Carson Carnival of Traveling Wonders, Ti

Personal Stats

Full Name: Clint Barton
Alignment: good
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 6'3 ( 191 cm )
Weight: 230 lb ( 104 kg )

Hero Stats

Combat: 80
Durability: 10
Intelligence: 56
Power: 13
Speed: 21
Strength: 12

Comics List

Publisher: Goliath

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